Lesson 7

Using Histograms to Answer Statistical Questions

Lesson Narrative

In this lesson, students create, read, and interpret histograms (MP2). They characterize the distribution displayed in a histogram in terms of its shape and spread, and identify a measurement that is typical for the data set by looking for the center in a histogram (MP7). Students also use histograms to make comparisons and to better understand what different spreads and values of center mean in a given context.

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Compare and contrast (in writing) histograms that represent two different data sets measuring the same quantity.
  • Critique (orally) a description of a distribution, recognizing that there are multiple valid ways to describe its center and spread.
  • Describe (orally and in writing) the distribution shown on a histogram, including making claims about the center and spread.

Student Facing

Let's draw histograms and use them to answer questions.

Required Materials

Learning Targets

Student Facing

  • I can draw a histogram from a table of data.
  • I can use a histogram to describe the distribution of data and determine a typical value for the data.

CCSS Standards

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Additional Resources

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