Lesson 4

Solving for Unknown Angles

Lesson Narrative

In previous lessons, students solved single-step problems about supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles. In this lesson, students apply these skills to find unknown angle measures in multi-step problems. In the info gap activity, students keep asking questions until they get all the information needed to solve the problem. Then they see that they can represent angle problems with equations. As students work to construct arguments about angles and discuss them with their partners, they engage in MP3. 

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Coordinate (orally and in writing) diagrams and equations that represent the same relationship between angle measures.
  • Solve multi-step problems involving complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles, and explain (orally) the reasoning.

Student Facing

Let’s figure out some missing angles.

Required Preparation

Make 1 copy of the Info Gap: Angle Finding blackline master for every 2 students, and cut them up ahead of time.

Learning Targets

Student Facing

  • I can reason through multiple steps to find unknown angle measures.
  • I can recognize when an equation represents a relationship between angle measures.

CCSS Standards


Building Towards

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Additional Resources

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PowerPoint Slides

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