Lesson 14
Make Sense of Decimal Subtraction
Lesson Purpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to subtract decimals to the hundredths place in a way that makes sense to them.
Lesson Narrative
In previous lessons, students used place value strategies, including the standard algorithm, to add multi-digit decimal numbers. They compared the strategies and algorithms they used to add whole numbers to the strategies and algorithms they used to add decimals. In the next few lessons, students build an understanding of how to use place value strategies, the properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction to subtract multi-digit decimals. The lessons that address subtraction of decimals follow a similar structure to the lessons that addressed addition of decimals. Common routines and activities were chosen to help students make connections between what they learned about adding decimals and the strategies they are now using to subtract decimals.
- Representation
Learning Goals
Teacher Facing
- Subtract decimals to the hundredths in a way that makes sense to them.
Student Facing
- Let’s subtract decimals.
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Materials to Copy
- Target Numbers Stage 9 Recording Sheet
- Small Grids
Required Preparation
CCSS Standards
Lesson Timeline
Warm-up | 10 min |
Activity 1 | 20 min |
Activity 2 | 15 min |
Lesson Synthesis | 10 min |
Cool-down | 5 min |
Teacher Reflection Questions
Think about a time you recently made a mistake during math class. How did you leverage your mistake to show students that mistakes are just learning in progress?
Suggested Centers
- Jump the Line (2–5), Stage 2: Add and Subtract Tenths and Hundredths (Supporting)
- How Close? (1–5), Stage 7: Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers to 5 (Supporting)
Print Formatted Materials
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Additional Resources
Google Slides | For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners. |
PowerPoint Slides | For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners. |