Lesson 7

Numbers Within 100,000

Warm-up: Choral Count: By 1,000 (10 minutes)


The purpose of this Choral Count is for students to count on by 1,000 from multiples of one hundred and notice patterns in the count. As students count, they may notice that the digit in the hundreds place does not change after each new number is said. This is important when considering the magnitude of the number and will support reasoning in the next section as students compare and order numbers. These understandings also help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in this lesson when students read and write numbers within 1,000,000. 


  • “Count by 1,000, starting at 3,400.”
  • Record as students count.
  • Stop counting and recording at 23,400.


  • “What patterns do you see?”
  • 1–2 minutes: quiet think time
  • Record responses.

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

  • “What parts of the numbers stay the same each time we count?” (The digits in the hundreds, tens, and one place remain the same each time.)
  • “When will these digits change?” (The digit in the hundreds, tens, and ones place will never change because we are counting by 1,000 each time.)

Activity 1: Count and Write Numbers (20 minutes)


In this activity, students approach 10,000 by counting up in different ways. Each count ends by reaching 10,000. Students count by different amounts and describe patterns and relationships between numbers. The activity is designed to highlight familiar counting patterns as a way to support naming and writing multi-digit numbers. The final questions in the task ask students to consider the magnitude of each number in relation to 10,000.

When students count by large numbers and examine the counted numbers, they observe patterns in how the different digits in the numbers change (MP7).

Representation: Access for Perception. Provide access to a variety of tools that students may use to approach the task. These might include: a class set of base-ten blocks, colored pencils to color-code place values or highlight the digit that changes, and a visual display reminding students of sketches they can make to represent numbers with thousands and ten-thousands.
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Visual-Spatial Processing, Attention


  • Groups of 2
  • “Read the directions for problem 1 and share your understanding of the directions with a partner.”
  • “What questions do you have before we begin?”


  • 5 minutes: independent work time
  • 10 minutes: partner work time
  • As students work,
    • listen for how students say the numbers and support them in using place value understanding to say the numbers correctly.
    • look for use of extra digits when writing numbers (for example, students write 90,500 instead of 9,500) and support students with making the revisions by having them say the numbers.

Student Facing

Record each count in the given spaces. The first number has been recorded for you.

  1. Count by 1,000

    5,000 , _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________

  2. Count by 100

    9,500 , _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________

  3. Count by 10

    9,950 , _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________

  4. Count by 1

    9,995, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________

  5. Complete each statement:

    1. Ten-thousand is 1 more than _____________.

    2. Ten-thousand is 1,000 more than _____________.

    3. Ten-thousand is 10 more than _____________.

    4. Ten-thousand is 100 more than _____________.

Student Response

For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.

Advancing Student Thinking

If students interpret the part a of the last problem to mean “name a number that is 10,000 more than 1,” consider clarifying by asking: “The number 10 is 1 more than what number?” and “The number 100 is 1 more than what number?” Then, restate the sentence in part a: “Ten-thousand is 1 more than what number?”

Activity Synthesis

  • “How is counting by 100 and 1,000 like counting by 1 and 10?” (When counting by thousands, only the thousands change. This is also the case when counting by ones, tens, and hundreds.)
  • Have students share their answers for the last problem.
  • Consider asking: “Who can restate what _____ shared?”
  • If needed, discuss the placement of the comma in each number.

Activity 2: Many Thousands (15 minutes)


In this activity, students work within 100,000 and determine how many thousands and ten-thousands are in each number. When students use strategies that are based on place value they are looking for and making use of structure (MP7).

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Students should take turns deciding the number of thousands the given number has and explaining their reasoning to their partner. Encourage students to challenge each other when they disagree. Display the following sentence frames for all to see: “I noticed _____ , so I . . .” and “I disagree because . . . .”
Advances: Representing, Speaking, Conversing


  • Groups of 2
  • “Read the directions for the first question silently.”
  • Call on 2 different students to restate the directions in their own words.


  • 5 minutes: independent work time
  • 5 minutes: partner work time

Student Facing

  1. Complete the table to show how many thousands are in each number. In the last row, write your own five-digit number.

    number number of thousands name in words \(\phantom{\text{number of }}\) \(\phantom{\text{ten-thousands}}\)
    10,000 10 ten thousand
  2. With your partner, name each number in words. (Leave the last column blank for now.)

  3. In the top (header) row of the last column, write “number of ten-thousands”. Complete the table to show how many ten-thousands are in each number.

  4. Here are four numbers:





    1. Which number has a 5 in the thousands place?
    2. Which number has a 5 in the ten-thousands place?

Student Response

For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.

Advancing Student Thinking

If students identify 27,000 as having only 7 thousands instead of 27 thousands in the first problem, consider asking, “How would we represent 27,000 with only thousands blocks?” and “Does this help you think about the number of thousand blocks we might use to build 20,000?” Students may also need to build or sketch representations to support this reasoning.

Activity Synthesis

  • Read each of the numbers in the table chorally. For additional practice saying numbers, have students read the numbers in the last problem as well.
  • Discuss students’ responses to the second and fourth columns.
  • “How are the number of thousands related to the number of ten-thousands?” (There are 10 groups of thousands in every ten-thousand.)
  • If needed, consider referring to the 10,000 chart created in the last lesson or using base-ten blocks to clarify the relationship between the number of thousands and the number of ten-thousands in each five-digit number.

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

“Today we worked with numbers with ten-thousands. We identified thousands and ten-thousands in numbers.”

Write 68,100 for all students to see. Recite the number chorally to practice reading numbers.

“How can we tell the number of thousands in a number?” (We can count by 1,000 to the number, build or draw the number using thousands, or look at the digits in the thousands place of the number.)

“How do we determine the number of ten-thousands in a number?” (We can count by 10,000 to the number, sketch a diagram to represent the number, or look at the digit in the ten-thousands place.)

Cool-down: Count Ten-thousands (5 minutes)


For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.