Lesson 4

Tables, Equations, and Graphs of Functions

Lesson Narrative

In this lesson, students work with graphs and tables that represent functions in addition to the equations and descriptions used previously. They learn the conventions of graphing the independent variable (input) on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable (output) on the vertical axis and that each coordinate point represents an input-output pair of the function.

By matching contexts and graphs and reading information about functions from graphs and tables, students become familiar with the different representations and draw connections between them.

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Determine whether a graph represents a function, and explain (orally) the reasoning.
  • Identify the graph of an equation that represents a function, and explain (orally and in writing) the reasoning.
  • Interpret (orally and in writing) points on a graph, including a graph of a function and a graph that does not represent a function.

Student Facing

Let’s connect equations and graphs of functions.

Learning Targets

Student Facing

  • I can identify graphs that do, and do not, represent functions.
  • I can use a graph of a function to find the output for a given input and to find the input(s) for a given output.

CCSS Standards


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Additional Resources

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PowerPoint Slides

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