Lesson 5

Reasoning About Square Roots

Lesson Narrative

The purpose of this lesson is to encourage students to reason about square roots and reinforce the idea that they are numbers on a number line. This lesson continues students’ move from geometric to algebraic characterizations of square roots.

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Comprehend that $\text-\sqrt{a}$ represents the opposite of $\sqrt{a}$.
  • Determine a solution to an equation of the form $x^2=a$ and represent the solution as a point on the number line.
  • Identify the two whole number values that a square root is between and explain (orally) the reasoning.

Student Facing

Let’s approximate square roots.

Learning Targets

Student Facing

  • When I have a square root, I can reason about which two whole numbers it is between.

CCSS Standards


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