Lesson 1

Add Tens or Ones

Lesson Purpose

The purpose of this lesson is for students to add tens or ones to two-digit numbers, without composing a ten, in a way that makes sense to them.

Lesson Narrative

In a previous unit, students added within 20, including adding one-digit numbers and teen numbers. Students also added multiples of 10 and two-digit numbers within 100, using place value reasoning. In this lesson, students think about how two-digit numbers change when they add only ones or only tens. For example, in 24 + 3 = 27 students notice that the digit in the ones place changes when 3 is added to 24, while the digit in the tens place does not. In 24 + 30 = 54, students notice that the digit in the tens place changes, when 30 is added to 24 while the digit in the ones place does not. This lesson provides an opportunity for teachers to formatively assess student’s work with addition from previous units.

  • Representation
  • MLR2

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Add tens or ones to two-digit numbers, without composing a ten, in a way that makes sense to them.

Student Facing

  • Let’s add tens or ones to two-digit numbers.

Required Preparation

CCSS Standards


Building Towards

Lesson Timeline

Warm-up 10 min
Activity 1 20 min
Activity 2 15 min
Lesson Synthesis 10 min
Cool-down 5 min

Teacher Reflection Questions

How does the work of this lesson prepare students for adding 2 two-digit numbers in the next lesson?

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Additional Resources

Google Slides

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PowerPoint Slides

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