Lesson 3

Interpreting Histograms

Problem 1

Match histograms A through E to dot plots 1 through 5 so that each match represents the same data set.

Five histograms, 0 to 20 by fives.


Five dot plots.


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Problem 2

Here is a histogram that summarizes the lengths, in feet, of a group of adult female sharks. Select all the statements that are true, according to the histogram.

A histogram, length in feet, from 13 to 17 point 5 by point fives. Beginning at 13 up to but not including 13 point 5, the height of the bar for each interval is 1, 1, 4, 10, 10, 9, 10, 4, 1.

A total of 9 sharks were measured.


A total of 50 sharks were measured.


The longest shark that was measured was 10 feet long.


Most of the sharks that were measured were over 16 feet long.


Two of the sharks that were measured were less than 14 feet long.


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Problem 3

This table shows the times, in minutes, it took 40 sixth-grade students to run 1 mile.

time (minutes) frequency
4 to less than 6 1
6 to less than 8 5
8 to less than 10 13
10 to less than 12 12
12 to less than 14 7
14 to less than 16 2

Draw a histogram for the information in the table.


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Problem 4

Order these numbers from greatest to least: \(\text-4\), \(\frac14\), 0, 4,  \(\text{-}3\frac{1}{2}\), \(\frac74\), \(\text{-}\frac{5}{4}\)


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(From Unit 7, Lesson 3.)