Lesson 13

It’s Time to Learn About Clocks

Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Clocks (10 minutes)


The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit the idea that time is a measurement, which will be useful when students read clocks in hours in a later activity. While students may notice and wonder many things about these images, the ideas that these numbers represent time and student experiences with digital clocks are the important discussion points.


  • Groups of 2
  • Display the image.
  • “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
  • 1 minute: partner discussion
  • Share and record responses.

Student Facing

What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

12 rectangles. Each with a number, symbol, zero, zero. Numbers 1 through 12.

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

  • “This list shows different times. Where have you seen times shown like this?” (I’ve seen it on clocks, iPhone, iPad, computer, and watches.)
  • “We can tell the time using hours. We read the first time as “1 o’clock.” Let’s read all the times together.”

Activity 1: Card Sort: Clocks (15 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to understand how to tell time using an analog clock, with only the hour hand. Students work with a set of cards that show clocks with just the hour hand. When they sort the cards, students focus on the structure of the clock faces, mainly the numbers and where the arrow points (MP7). In the activity synthesis, students are introduced to the language, hour hand, and that time to the hour is read as “___ o’clock.

The cards that the students create will be used in the next activity and future lessons.MLR8 Discussion Supports. Synthesis: To support the transfer of new vocabulary to long term memory, invite students to chorally repeat these phrases in unison 1-2 times: hour hand, 3 o’clock.

Advances: Speaking, Listening

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Clock Cards Hour


  • Groups of 2
  • Give each student a copy of the blackline master and a pair of scissors.
  • Display image in student workbook.
  • “What do you notice about this clock? What do you wonder?” (This clock is a circle, it shows numbers from 1 to 12 going around. It has little lines on the outside.)
  • 1 minute: partner discussion
  • Share responses.


  • “Cut out the cards and organize them in a way that makes sense to you.”
  • 6 minutes: independent work time
  • “Explain how you organized your cards with your partner.”
  • 3 minute: partner discussion
  • Monitor for students who organized their clocks in different ways.

Student Facing

What do you notice about this clock?

What do you wonder?

Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Student Response

For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite previously identified students to share.
  • “How did _____ organize their clocks?”
  • Display the card with the hour hand pointing to the 3.
Clock. Short arrow points to 3.
  • “We call this arrow the hour hand and when it points to 3 we say, 3 o’clock.”
  • “Let’s say this time together.”
  • Repeat with more cards as time permits.

Activity 2: Connect Clocks to Written Times (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is to connect the time shown on a digital clock with an analog clock with only the hour hand displayed. Students use the cards created in the first activity to write times in the digital format to represent each clock.

Required Materials

Required Preparation

  • Each student needs the clock cards they created in the previous activity.


  • Display image in student workbook.
  • “These clocks both show the same time. What time do they show? How do you know?” (They show 1 o’clock. The arrow is pointing to the 1. There is a 1 on the left of the written time.)
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time
  • Share responses.


  • “On the cards you made in the first activity, write the times under each clock.”
  • 5 minutes: independent work time

Student Facing

These clocks both show the same time.

What time do they show?

How do you know?

Clock. Short arrow points to 1.

Time, digital format. Rectangle with 1, symbol, zero, zero. 

Student Response

For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.

Activity Synthesis

  • Display the card that shows 5 o’clock.
  • “Find your card that matches this card. What time did you write under this clock? How did you know that it shows 5:00?”
  • “Find the card that shows 4 o’clock. How did you know that it shows 4:00? How did you write the time?” (The arrow is pointing to the 4. 4:00)
  • Repeat with other cards as time permits. 

Activity 3: Our School Day (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is to represent time to the hour on analog clocks and write time to the hour digitally, using the context of a daily school schedule. Students look at a schedule with the time and activity given and represent the same time on a clock. Students begin to explore the minute hand. 

Teachers can create their own schedule to use for this activity or can use the one provided.

When students connect the times of different activities to the times shown on the clocks, they reason abstractly and quantitatively (MP2).

Action and Expression: Internalize Executive Functions. Check for understanding by inviting students to rephrase directions in their own words.
Supports accessibility for: Memory, Organization


  • Groups of 2
  • Display the image of two clocks from the workbook.
  • “Both of these clocks show the same time. What do you notice?” (They both have an hour hand that points to 8, but the first clock has another longer arrow that points to 12.)
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time
  • Share responses.
  • “The clock has two hands or arrows. We saw the hour hand pointing to different times. The long hand is the minute hand. When it points to 12, we say it is '___ o’clock.' This clock shows 8 o'clock.”


  • “This list shows a schedule, but not all of the clocks are filled in. With your partner, make each clock show the time each activity happens.”
  • 4 minutes: partner work time
  • Monitor for students who
    • Include the minute hand.
    • Do not include the minute hand.

Student Facing

Clock. Shorter arrow points to 8. Longer arrow points to 12.

Clock. Short arrow points to 8.

Fill in the clocks to show what time each activity starts.

Time, digital format. Rectangle with 8, symbol, zero, zero. 


student walking
Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Time, digital format. Blank, symbol, blank.


A stack of books.
Clock. Shorter arrow points to 9. Longer arrow points to 12.

Time, digital format. Rectangle with 10, symbol, zero, zero. 


Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Time, digital format. Blank, symbol, blank.


Clock. Shorter arrow points to 11. Longer arrow points to 12.

Time, digital format. Rectangle with 12, symbol, zero, zero. 


Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Time, digital format. Blank, symbol, blank.


Clock. Shorter arrow points to 1. Longer arrow points to 12.
Time, digital format. Rectangle with 2, symbol, zero, zero. 


Girl draws a bird.
Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Time, digital format. Blank, symbol, blank.


boy walking to school.
Clock. Shorter arrow points to 3. Longer arrow points to 12.

Time, digital format. Rectangle with 4, symbol, zero, zero. 


2 students collecting data.
Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Student Response

For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite previously identified students to share what they drew for 4:00.
  • “How are these two clocks the same and how are they different?” (One has two arrows and the other has one. Both show 4 o’clock because they have the hour hand pointing to the 4.)

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

Display the blank clock from the first activity.
Clock. Hours, labeled 1 through 12. Minutes, marked. No hour or minute hands.

Draw the hour hand so that it points to 6.

“What time does this show?” (6 o’clock)

“How should I draw the minute hand?” (It should point to the 12.)

Draw a big arrow pointed to the 12.

“How can we write the time?” (6:00)

“Draw the minute hand on your clock cards.”

Cool-down: Show the Time (5 minutes)


For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.