Lesson 3

Defining Equivalent Ratios

Lesson Narrative

Previously, students understood equivalent ratios through physical perception of different batches of recipes. In this lesson, they work with equivalent ratios more abstractly, both in the context of recipes and in the context of abstract ratios of numbers. They understand and articulate that all ratios that are equivalent to \(a:b\) can be generated by multiplying both \(a\) and \(b\) by the same number (MP6).

By connecting concrete quantitative experiences to abstract representations that are independent of a context, students develop their skills in reasoning abstractly and quantitatively (MP2). They continue to use diagrams, words, or a combination of both for their explanations. The goal in subsequent lessons is to develop a general definition of equivalent ratios.

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Generate equivalent ratios and justify that they are equivalent.
  • Present (in words and through other representations) a definition of equivalent ratios, including examples and non-examples.

Student Facing

Let’s investigate equivalent ratios some more.

Learning Targets

Student Facing

  • If I have a ratio, I can create a new ratio that is equivalent to it.
  • If I have two ratios, I can decide whether they are equivalent to each other.

CCSS Standards

Building On


Glossary Entries

  • equivalent ratios

    Two ratios are equivalent if you can multiply each of the numbers in the first ratio by the same factor to get the numbers in the second ratio. For example, \(8:6\) is equivalent to \(4:3\), because \(8\boldcdot\frac12 = 4\) and \(6\boldcdot\frac12 = 3\).

    A recipe for lemonade says to use 8 cups of water and 6 lemons. If we use 4 cups of water and 3 lemons, it will make half as much lemonade. Both recipes taste the same, because \(8:6\) and \(4:3\) are equivalent ratios.

    cups of water number of lemons
    8 6
    4 3

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