Lesson 5

Points, Segments, and Zigzags

Problem 1

Write a sequence of rigid motions to take figure \(ABC\) to figure \(DEF\).

Two figures, A B C and D E F.


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Problem 2

Prove the circle centered at \(A\) is congruent to the circle centered at \(C\).


Two circles. First circle, center A, with point B on circle. Radius A B drawn. Second circle, center C, with point D on circle. Radius C D drawn. A B and C D have one tick mark showing congruence.


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Problem 3

Which conjecture is possible to prove?


All quadrilaterals with at least one side length of 3 are congruent.


All rectangles with at least one side length of 3 are congruent.


All rhombuses with at least one side length of 3 are congruent.


All squares with at least one side length of 3 are congruent.


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Problem 4

Match each statement using only the information shown in the pairs of congruent triangles.


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(From Unit 2, Lesson 4.)

Problem 5

Triangle \(HEF\) is the image of triangle \(HGF\) after a reflection across line \(FH\). Write a congruence statement for the 2 congruent triangles.

Triangle  H E F is the image of triangle  H G F.


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(From Unit 2, Lesson 2.)

Problem 6

Triangle \(ABC\) is congruent to triangle \(EDF\). So, Lin knows that there is a sequence of rigid motions that takes \(ABC\) to \(EDF\).  

Select all true statements after the transformations:

Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle EDF.

Angle \(A\) coincides with angle \(F\).


Angle \(B\) coincides with angle \(D\).


Angle \(C\) coincides with angle \(E\).


Segment \(BA\) coincides with segment \(DE\).


Segment \(BC\) coincides with segment \(FE\).


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(From Unit 2, Lesson 3.)

Problem 7

This design began from the construction of a regular hexagon. Is quadrilateral \(JKLO\) congruent to the other 2 quadrilaterals? Explain how you know.

2 Hexagons and quadrilaterals.


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(From Unit 1, Lesson 22.)