K.2 Numbers 1–10

Unit Goals

  • Students answer “how many” questions, count out, and compare groups within 10. Students write a number to represent how many.

Section A Goals

  • Connect quantities with spoken number words.
  • Count and compare up to 10 objects and know the number remains the same regardless of the arrangement of the objects.

Section B Goals

  • Connect quantities with spoken number words.
  • Count and compare up to 10 images in organized arrangements and know the number remains the same regardless of the order in which the images are counted.

Section C Goals

  • Connect quantities with spoken number words and written numbers.
  • Understand the relationship between number and quantity.

Section D Goals

  • Compare written numbers 1–10.
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Section B: Count and Compare Groups of Images

Problem 1

How many dots are there?

  1. Dots, 2 group of 3.
  2. Dot image.


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Problem 2

Are there more apples or plates?

Apples, 6. Plates, 5.



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Problem 3

Circle the 5-frame that has more dots.

  1. 5 frame, 4 counters.
  2. 5 frame, filled. Below, 1 counter.

Circle the group that shows fewer things.

  1. Fingers showing numbers. 5 and 1.
  2. 5 frame full. 3 counters below.


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Problem 4

Circle the 3 groups that show more than this 5-frame.

5 frame, full.

Fingers showing numbers 5 and 2. Dots, 5. Dots, 6. Five frame, 4 counters. 2 groups of 4 dots.

Circle the 3 groups that show fewer than this 5-frame.

5 frame, 4 counters.

Fingers showing number 3. 5 frame, filled, 2 counters below. Dots. 2 groups of 3. Dots, 2. 5 frame, 3 counters.


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Problem 5

Here is a drawing.

Circles, 6.

  1. Draw a picture with more things.

  2. Draw a picture with fewer things.


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Problem 6


Make a set of cards with images.
Some cards can have the same number of images and some cards can have different numbers of images.

Trade your cards with a partner.

Turn over two cards and decide if they have the same number or if one has fewer and one has more.


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Problem 7


Are there fewer students than chairs?
Explain how you know.​​​​​

Classroom. 12 Students in chairs. 1 empty chair.


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Section C: Connect Quantities and Numbers

Problem 1

Draw a line from each number to the group of dots it matches. 

Numbers. 5. 6. 4. 7. Yellow dots, 6. Five frame, 4 green counters. Blue dots, 7. Red dots, 5.


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Problem 2

Here is the number 6.

Number 6.

Count out 6 counters.
You can use a 5-frame if you want.

Blank 5 frame.


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Problem 3

Here is the number 8.

Number 8.

Draw a picture showing 8 things.


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Problem 4

What is a “how many” question you can ask about this picture?

A city park. Blue birds, 3. Red birds, 5. Clouds, 5. Trees, 6. Bushes, 12. Red benches, 2. Yellow benches, 2.

Write a number to answer your question. 

Handwriting lines.


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Problem 5


Make a shape with two handfuls of pattern blocks.
Ask a “how many” question about your shape.
Trade questions with a partner and answer your partner’s question.


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Problem 6


Connecting cube tower.  Yellow, 5. Blue, 3. Green, 1.

Han says he sees 5.
Lin says she sees 4.
Tyler says he sees 3.

Explain or show how Han, Lin, and Tyler can all be correct.


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Section D: Compare Numbers

Problem 1

Jada put her towers and numbers in order from 1 to 10. Fill in the blanks for the missing numbers. 

Connecting cube towers. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. Numbers, 1. 2. Blank. 4. 5. 6. Blank. 8. Blank. 10.


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Problem 2

Here is a connecting cube tower that Mai made.

Connecting cube tower. 5 blue cubes.
  1. Write a number to show how many cubes are in Mai’s tower.

    Handwriting lines.

  2. Build a tower that shows 1 more cube than Mai’s tower.

    Write a number to show how many cubes are in the new tower.


    Handwriting lines.

  3. Build a tower that shows 1 less cube than Mai’s tower.

    Write a number to show how many cubes are in the new tower.


    Handwriting lines.


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Problem 3

  1. How many triangles are there? Write a number to show how many triangles there are.

    Green triangles.
    Handwriting lines.
  2. How many squares are there? Write a number to show how many squares there are.

    Orange Squares.
    Handwriting lines.
  3. Circle the group that has fewer shapes.


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Problem 4

  1. Show 5 in as many ways as you can.

    Number 5.

  2. Show 7 in as many ways as you can.

    Number 7.
  3. Circle the number that is more.

    Number 5.
    Number 7.


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Problem 5

  1. Circle the number that is more.
    Number 4.
    Number 8.
  2. Circle the number that is less.
    Number 5.
    Number 9.


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Problem 6


What are some different ways to show 6 on your fingers? 
Find as many ways as you can.

How are they the same?
How are they different?


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Problem 7


Grab a handful of connecting cubes or pattern blocks or other small objects.

Count the objects and write down a number for how many.

Handwriting lines.

Are there more than 7 or less than 7?


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