8.3 Linear Relationships

Lesson 1

  • I can graph a proportional relationship from a story.
  • I can use the constant of proportionality to compare the pace of different animals.

Lesson 2

  • I can graph a proportional relationship from an equation.
  • I can tell when two graphs are of the same proportional relationship even if the scales are different.

Lesson 3

  • I can scale and label coordinate axes in order to graph a proportional relationship.

Lesson 4

  • I can compare proportional relationships represented in different ways.

Lesson 5

  • I can find the rate of change of a linear relationship by figuring out the slope of the line representing the relationship.

Lesson 6

  • I can interpret the vertical intercept of a graph of a real-world situation.
  • I can match graphs to the real-world situations they represent by identifying the slope and the vertical intercept.

Lesson 7

  • I can use patterns to write a linear equation to represent a situation.
  • I can write an equation for the relationship between the total volume in a graduated cylinder and the number of objects added to the graduated cylinder.

Lesson 8

  • I can explain where to find the slope and vertical intercept in both an equation and its graph.
  • I can write equations of lines using y=mx+b.

Lesson 9

  • I can give an example of a situation that would have a negative slope when graphed.
  • I can look at a graph and tell if the slope is positive or negative and explain how I know.

Lesson 10

  • I can calculate positive and negative slopes given two points on the line.
  • I can describe a line precisely enough that another student can draw it.

Lesson 11

  • I can write equations of lines that have a positive or a negative slope.
  • I can write equations of vertical and horizontal lines.

Lesson 12

  • I know that the graph of an equation is a visual representation of all the solutions to the equation.
  • I understand what the solution to an equation in two variables is.

Lesson 13

  • I can find solutions $(x, y)$ to linear equations given either the $x$- or the $y$-value to start from.

Lesson 14

  • I can write linear equations to reason about real-world situations.