Modeling Prompt
The Garden Wall
In Class Launch
Use after Unit 1, Lesson 1
Distribute a copy of the Wall Diagram blackline master to each individual or group. Here is the image for reference and planning:

Ask, “What things do you see in this plan?” (a garden, a wall, a flagstone pathway, plants, a patio)
Focus attention on the garden and explain that it is a plan for a surrounded by a low wall and filled with garden soil. This can be called a raised bed garden, which is a garden surrounded by walls with soil that is higher than the ground outside of the walls. The new concrete block wall, and the garden within, is what the homeowner is planning to build.
Questions for discussion:
- “What is the height of the wall?” (It is labeled as 1 foot, 6 inches high. If necessary, clarify that the ’ symbol means feet, and the ” symbol means inches.)
- “How thick is the wall?” (According to the plan, \(\frac18\) inch on the plan represents 1 foot in reality. The thickness of the wall on the plan is less than \(\frac{1}{8}\) inch but more than \(\frac{1}{16}\) inch, so the wall is between 6 inches and 12 inches thick. It looks closer to 6 inches.)
- “What materials will we need to make the garden, including the new concrete block wall?” (Concrete blocks, dirt, mortar. Some students may also mention rebar, depending on their experience.)
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